Jeff Haroutian
My name’s Jeff, and I live in Grover Beach, California.
I’ve been in the house for about 27 years, since 1995.
Basically, I’m retired, so I had just my limited income. So I have to base everything off of what I have, social security-wise and pension-wise.
So, I had to live within that means. And as you know, the last two years, three years, everything has gone up out of sight.
And so gas, electric[ity], food, everything in the last two years has gone skyrocket. And the pension and the social security don’t really [grow as well].
So I looked at this, and what he presented was what I could, you know, do away with the house payment. And that’s like half of what I was getting.
So I’m able to not only pay my credit cards and pay my bills, I can actually maybe buy something extra. So it’s helped quite a bit.
The type of loan it is would be good for anybody that has issues with money, or that is planning to do something.
I would think it’s a pretty good option to get one of these because it does free up [cash]. I don’t know what their house payments are or what their bills are.
But [for me] it did free up enough – well, actually it is about half of what I bring in each month. Half of that was house payment. So it freed up a lot.